Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bella Coola Detour

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Skipping Bill Reid. This was a difficult decision for me. I wanted to see Raven and First Men again at the U. of B.C. Anthropology Museum in Vancouver. It is an outstanding piece of sculpting and anthropology and myth. This video was from my first trip. I will go back and also visit the Bill Reid museum in Vancouver some day but have decided to spend five days in Bella Coola on this trip so I am driving direct to Williams Lake. Perhaps a stop over on the way back is in order.
About the myth:
The Haida have many and varied stories about the beginnings of man on earth but the story about the Raven and the Clam has stood the strongest test of time.
Click here for the full Haida story
A quick synopsis. Man came into being when the Raven opened a large clam and out jumped men. No girls, just boys. This is what Reid was showing in the piece. Even the part of all boys and no girls.

Interesting how important the Raven is in all North American aboriginal cultures. And all with the same general description: the clever trickster.

1 comment:

  1. I read the link.
    What a great story.
    Man is so deep into the questions of his authenticity. I am very moved and even giddy about this story.

    Pete (with input from that other person)
